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Why do Californians REGRET Moving to Texas?

In this video, we dove into many reasons that droves of Californians are moving to Texas from California and may regret their decisions. This blog post summarizes some of the points we discussed in the video, but make sure to watch the whole video to learn everything you need to know about moving to Dallas Texas from California.

Californians have been moving to Texas in droves recently, attracted by the lower cost of living and a business-friendly environment. However, as the popularity of moving to Texas grows, so does the number of people who regret it. In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the reasons why Californians regret moving to Texas, including political differences, extreme weather, the cost of living, traffic, and the lack of beaches or mountains.

Political Differences

One of the most significant differences between California and Texas is their political beliefs. California is known for being a very liberal state, while Texas is a conservative state. This political divide can be jarring for those moving from California to Texas. In California, it's common to see progressive policies such as gun control, environmental protection, and progressive taxation. In Texas, these policies are typically viewed as infringements on individual liberties and are often met with resistance.

California 2020 Presidential Election Map

Texas 2020 Presidential Election Map

Extreme Weather

Another major difference between California and Texas is the weather. California is known for its mild, Mediterranean climate, while Texas has a humid subtropical climate. This means that summers in Texas are hot and humid, with temperatures often reaching above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Winter in Texas is typically mild, but it can also bring sudden and severe weather, including ice storms and tornadoes. For those who are used to California's mild weather, the extremes of Texas can be a difficult adjustment.

Dallas Texas Average Annual Temperatures

Dallas Texas Average Annual Climate

Cost of Living

One of the main reasons that Californians are moving to Texas is the lower cost of living. However, while the cost of living in Texas is lower than in California, it's still higher than the national average. Housing prices have risen significantly in recent years, making it difficult for some Californians to find affordable housing. Additionally, while the cost of living may be lower, wages are often lower in Texas as well, making it difficult to maintain the same standard of living.

$100,000 Salary Comparison Los Angeles CA to Dallas TX -

$100,000 Salary Comparison San Francisco CA to Dallas TX -


Traffic in Texas is notoriously bad, especially in larger cities like Houston and Dallas. The infrastructure in Texas has not kept up with the rapid population growth, resulting in significant traffic congestion. For those who are used to the relatively efficient public transportation systems in California, the traffic in Texas can be a frustrating adjustment.

No Beaches or Mountains

Finally, one of the biggest things Californians miss when moving to Texas is the lack of beaches or mountains. California is known for its stunning beaches and majestic mountains, which are easily accessible from almost any location in the state. In Texas, however, the landscape is much flatter and lacks the natural beauty of California.

In conclusion, while Texas may be an attractive option for those seeking a lower cost of living and a business-friendly environment, it's not for everyone. The extreme weather, political differences, cost of living, traffic, and lack of natural beauty can make it a difficult adjustment for those moving from California. It's essential to research and consider all of these factors before making the move.