Living in Dallas Fort Worth

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Top 8 Reasons to Move to Dallas Texas !

So you're moving to Dallas, Texas, and you want to know what you're getting yourself into? Today we wanna discuss the top eight reasons why people have been making that move here to the Dallas, Texas area and what they love about it. So whether you're moving here from the beaches of California or the mountains of Colorado, or maybe you've had to leave your close friends and family behind to move to the DFW area. 

Something For Everyone

The number one reason that we love that so many people love is there truly is something here for everyone. There are suburbs galore, and there are communities, neighborhoods, and just so much to do, which is a huge draw for so many people moving here. So the number one reason is there's something for everybody.

You don't have to just have a family to move out to the suburbs, to move into a great school district in a great community, and just be involved with tons of kids and tons of friends. You can also live in a great area for young professionals, whether you wanna beat downtown or somewhere that you can go meet up with friends every single night for a drink or dinner out. If you wanna live out in the country, you want more land, you want a quieter, slower pace of life. You can get that too. So maybe you want to live closer to the lake. Maybe you live to be on the boat and you want to have those amazing views.

We may not have the mountains, but we do have some gorgeous sunsets and sunrises, especially if you wanna live out over on the lake or, some sort of a little hill here in the Dallas, Texas area, but there's definitely something here for everybody. And that's what we absolutely love. We've helped clients who have been in the suburbs in the city and all of a sudden, they're retiring. They know that they can work from home and they want a little bit more land. They want to be able to live a little bit further out and just relax a little bit more. I do feel like here in Texas unless you're living downtown and you're running the rat race, maybe, life is a little bit slower. Sometimes we're all, not in the stage of life. We're running kids around all the time in sports, all the time, work, play, and everything in between. But maybe you do want a little bit more laid-back lifestyle. Maybe you want to, be involved in a great community in the suburbs because you want to be highly involved with your kids.

Maybe your kids are.  into sports and you want to just be able to go see all of their sporting events. You wanna be able to get all around the metroplex for games and practices. So there's definitely something like that for families. There really is that opportunity for families in all shapes and sizes. And we definitely love that about the Dallas, Texas area. 

So Many Activities

The number two reason that people have loved living here is that there is always something to do. Whether it is baseball games in the summertime football games in the fall, or maybe you love going to concerts or, music in the park festivals in all of your local communities, you can find that pretty much. I, we have discovered in every suburb here in Dallas, when we first moved here we didn't realize how much that there was going. All throughout the Dallas Fort Worth area, there have been food festivals and art walks in October Fest and just amazing things going on all throughout Dallas, we have been to parades for all kinds of celebrations. The 4th of July is here. There are huge firework shows pretty much in every single city, all throughout Dallas, and there are fireworks across Grapevine Lake. You can be out on the lake and watch fireworks all night long. And that is definitely one of our best memories. We have been out to Addison on July 3rd, actually for Kaboom town, where they have, an amazing band and firework show and air show as well. 4th of July here is so much fun, but they do also have, we've been to hot air balloon festivals. We have been to concerts in the park.  We have been to community festivals of all sizes and just being able to have something to do something, to look forward to, even at Christmas time, there are all kinds of events going on. So here in Texas,  if you are into it sports. There is something for everybody.  Every professional sport that is played, you can find here in the Dallas area, but any of these major concerts take place here in Dallas as well.

So always something going on, always something to do, no matter what it is that you are involved in. There are great community theaters going on. There's great. Plays down at fair park symphonies.  If you need something to do, and you move here to Dallas, there is gonna be no shortage of activities. Not to mention the food scene here is phenomenal as well. And if you're a huge foodie, there's always some sort of a food festival going on for whatever it is you're looking for. Whether it's barbecue, which is fantastic here in Dallas. We've been to some other states where they think it's good, doesn't really compare. Yes. I know. There's great. Barbecue and others. Areas of the country, but here in Texas, it is definitely a step above. So TexMex, I know it's not exactly your Mexican food, but you can definitely find that all throughout DFW. We've had burgers and Indian food and Lebanese food and everything in between. So if there's, if you're into the food scene, Dallas is another fantastic place to be. 

Job Market

Number three reason why a lot of people are moving here is for jobs. The job growth here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area is phenomenal. Companies are moving here all the time because people are realizing they're not having to pay that state income tax and taxes are lower here for businesses. So a lot of businesses are relocating here to the Dallas Fort Worth area and with the amount of growth that's going on the way Dallas can spread out in every direction.  The entire metroplex of the Dallas Fort Worth area is quite large. It can actually encompass the entire three states of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Delaware, I believe, but anyway, it is so huge and it can spread out in every direction because we don't have those borders of the mountains. So with the number of companies coming here, we actually had a couple of clients who relocated here for a job. , they were actually miserable in their job and they went out and found an even better jobs, which actually may not always be the case. You may not always find something better, but it was just that comforting feeling, knowing that they moved out here, they were not happy with what they were promised and yet they still had an opportunity to find another. Great job for their families so that they didn't feel like they had to pack up and leave without a job.

So jobs here in Dallas are fantastic. Companies are moving here all the time. Job growth is continually happening and people are even realizing that you know what? I can move to Texas because I am now working from home. If I'm working remotely, I can work from anywhere. So moving to Texas and getting those added tax benefits of not having to pay that state income tax is another reason why people have loved moving here. 

Cost of Living

And along those lines of living and moving here for jobs, the number four reason why people are moving here is because of our cost of living, because our cost of living is actually quite a bit lower than a lot of these areas in cities around the country. If you're moving here, for instance, from California or New York or some other areas where, you know,  your cost of living was quite a bit higher, you moved to Dallas and your price points really are all over the place.

If you want just a townhouse or you want just a starter home, maybe you want to get into your first home and remodel it. If you want to move here and get into a million-dollar home, we definitely have those as well, but at the same time, there are options at all price points here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

So if you're moving here to Texas and you think, all I have is $300,000 to spend on a home. There are certainly some areas here that you can get into. It's not like being in LA where everything is over a million dollars unless you're living in a shoebox and then it's close to a million dollars.

But here in Dallas, you actually your money can go a lot further. So just knowing that you are able to stretch that dollar and actually be able to afford a home instead of having to wait for years and years because it's taking a really long time to save up for that down payment or be able to afford actually getting into that home. People have definitely wanted to move here.

In fact, we had a client. Who we just closed on their house last week, actually, who realized, what we're working from home. We can live anywhere. We live in this 900-square-foot condo, and we really don't have hopes of buying, our next home at least for quite a while. And they came out here and realized, their budget actually went so much further and they got into a 2,800 square foot home, new build. , it was not right in the middle of town. It was. 30 minutes just outside of Dallas, but they were working from home and they actually loved being able to live a little bit further outside of the city. Not to be stuck in traffic all the time, but just be able to live in one of those smaller communities, that has really everything that they needed unless they wanted to go out on the weekend. So people love moving here because our cost of living could be considerably lower than some of these other areas here around the country.

Great Schools

Number five reason why people have talked about moving here is because of our school system. We have so many top-rated school districts here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. And people love getting their kids into some of these schools, and not to mention here in the Dallas Fort Worth area, we do have a considerable amount of fantastic schools where the learning is topnotch. The teachers care about learning and people are just really more concerned about their kids getting a top-rated education. So moving here to Dallas just, helps them be able to afford those opportunities for their kids, where maybe some of these other school districts have been a little bit more limited on the services that they've offered and so moving here to Dallas, Has just been so much better for their family.  Their kids have thrived or they feel like their kids have maybe been challenged a little bit more so that they are better prepared to head off into college. So top-rated schools are a huge plus for people moving here, especially for families and for, getting your kids involved in sports and the opportunities that we have.

We love our schools. We absolutely loved when we moved here, we had four kiddos that we built up that have gone here pretty much. Our youngest actually started kindergarten here, so he's been in Texas schools, his whole life, all four of our kids have been here in the Texas schools and we have had a phenomenal experience.

Great Place for Families

The number six reason why people have loved moving here to the Dallas Fort Worth area is that it is very family oriented. , you may not have a family your kids may be little or maybe your kids have actually already grown up and moved out of the house, but you get to know your neighbors.

It's very family oriented. Church is a thing on Sundays. Even if you're not into going to church, a lot of things are shut down on Sundays here in Texas. People just really have that family atmosphere. Everybody seems to go to church and if you're not going to a church that you like, people change churches and just find that great community where their family can be involved and get to know their friends and get to know their neighbors and their community. People go to high school football games, even if they don't have kids because their friends or kids may be playing or they just know that they're gonna see a great marching band performance.

They're gonna see a great football game. So family-oriented, lots to do, and just so many things geared toward family activities.

Centrally Located

The number seven reason why people have loved moving here to the Dallas Fort worth area is its location. It is centrally located here in the middle of the entire country. It makes it a little bit easier to travel. If you, whether you wanna go to the east coast or the west coast, the Dallas Fort Worth airport is I believe the number three airport in the country, so many planes are coming in and out of there all the time, which just makes it easier, easy to hop on a direct flight, even to a whole lot of areas out of the country. So the location here in Dallas just makes. That much easier to get anywhere you need to go, down to the beach in Texas or Alabama. , we don't love those beaches as much as maybe some of the others, they don't have the bigger waves.

They don't have crystal blue waters, but it's still a beach. And sometimes you just need to be able to get away. You wanna go have the sand in your toes and the ocean breeze, and at least it's only a few hours away, or you can drive up into Oklahoma up into the mountains or. Head over into Arkansas.

There are so many different areas that you can get here all throughout the country, Dallas, Texas, down, south up north, east, and west. And yes, if you're heading west and you may need to go to Arizona like we used to,  the majority of your trip is going to be in the state of Texas. And it may not be as beautiful, but still, location, being able to get all throughout the country, multiple options, because it.

Melting Pot

Finally, the number eight reason why people have loved moving to Dallas. And why we have loved being here is realizing the amount of diversity that is going on here in the Dallas Fort Worth area.  Dallas has just been this huge melting pot. We have gotten to know people who have moved not only from all throughout the entire country, from New York. We had friends from Minnesota and Florida, North Carolina. It seems that we have gotten to know people from all different states around the country, and we have gotten to know and had friends who have been from all different parts of the world. We had good friends from the Netherlands and friends from Pakistan and Korea. So all throughout the country, we have met people who have landed here in Dallas as well, whether it's for a job, whether it's for family. And we have absolutely loved that. And the food experience here because of the diversity is fantastic as well. We love trying new restaurants. We love trying new. New ethnic dishes. And you can really find depending on which area you go to, you can certainly find what you're looking for and we love it. So whether you're moving to Texas and you have questions about what it's like living here, what suburb may be right for you, and what exactly it is, could fit your family's needs. We can help you do that. That's why you reach out to us. And that's why we help you determine which area moving here to Texas might be right for you. So give us a call, shoot us a text, send us an email, reach out to us, and let us know what we can do to help you enjoy that.

Move here to Texas, to help you realize that Texas really is for everybody and there's something here that can help benefit your family or just you as a young professional. So don't hesitate to reach out, and let us know what we can do to help you make that smooth move to Dallas that much easier.